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Interview: Pittsburgh Jazz, Dr. Nelson Harrison

Submitted by on January 15, 2022 – 8:35 am

From 01/15/2022: Dr. Nelson Harrison previews Pittsburgh Jazz: Home of the Innovators, a virtual storytelling event hosted by Doors Open Pittsburgh (1/15 7:00 – 7:45 PM).

Dr. Nelson Harrison on SLB

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  • Flo Taylor says:

    This is a fantastic interview by the great Dr Nelson Harrison! I had no idea he was in his 80’s and is still as lively and awesome as he ever was! I met him years ago at Dowe’s On 9th and he was so effervescent and knowledgeable that I thought he was the owner! He is the absolute best and I can’t wait to see the project that he has put together for us to enjoy!


    This living history is priceless. To archive this Jazz History is the only way to keep the real story alive. Thank you for this interview and please keep this important information discussed by those who lived this special time in Pgh.


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