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YX: Tadao Tomokiyo

Submitted by on January 21, 2017 – 10:35 am

From 01/21/2017: Tadao Tomokiyo (10, Falk School) with ragtime selections on piano.

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  • Faith E.Maloney says:

    CONGRATULATIONS and LOVE from Scituate.MA Tadao!!!!!!!I will be sharing this with many of my friends!! Gramee Faith E. Maloney(Mam’s Friend!!)

  • Mimi Svenning says:

    “Amazing kid!” Yes! Congratulation to Tadao for such stunning playing, and congratulations also to his parents, and to Mams for being a part of that!
    Love from Mam’s friend, Mimi

  • Catharine H Stewart says:

    Great job, Tadao. I love to hear you play ragtime! Congratulations to you. keep practicing and having fun. It’s wonderful to have a happy person to entertain us.
    Love from Great Aunt Kitty

  • Dr. Lee Ann Conover says:

    Congratulations to Tadao! It was wonderful to hear you play again. I am so pleased with your progress and your continued love of music. Keep up the good work, and keep making music!
    Best to you and your family—-Dr. Conover

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