Youth Expression Showcase

Our weekly radio program invites students in Grades K-12 to perform live on the air. Hear young musicians, singer/songwriters, photographers, writers, poets and other people who express themselves through the arts.

Oral History

SLB Radio’s Oral History Program connects teens with adult role models in their communities. Click here to listen.


Since 1978, The Saturday Light Brigade has broadcast LIVE spontaneous on-air phone calls from kids and adults as part of its Saturday morning radio program. Now you can hear some of the most memorable calls from people participating in on-air games and other participatory features or simply calling to tell us about something exciting.


Join us as we celebrate the original talent in our midst with these weekly archives of in-studio performances by regional and national musicians and artists. Folk, bluegrass, jazz, singer/songwriter, international, storytellers and more!


Audio replays from the hundreds of arts, human services and other non-profit organizations interviewed by SLB each year.

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Articles tagged with: Fairchild Challenge

YES: Fairchild Challenge

November 28, 2015 – 12:45 pm

From: 11/28/2015: Ella Conti (11, Forest Hills) and Madeline Douglas (11, Swissvale) represent Woodland Hills academy winners of the Fairchild Challenge, a national program designed to foster environmental awareness and action in teens and coordinated locally by Phipps Conservancy & Botanical Gardens.

Students Discuss the Phipps Conservatory Fairchild Challenge

June 13, 2015 – 11:55 am

From 6-13-2016: Luke Smarra, Morgan Hayes (Montour Middle School), Michaela Brining, Kelsey Marshall, Elisa Gabriel (Shaler Area Middle School), Fiona Reigert and Calista Martin-Singer (The Ellis School) on their award-winning work during this year’s Fairchild Challenge, a national program designed to foster environmental awareness and action in teens and coordinated locally by Phipps Conservancy & Botanical Gardens.

YES: Fairchild Challenge

April 4, 2015 – 1:23 pm

From 4-4-15: Ethan Chirdon (Shaler Middle School) Dawson White, Ellen Poplauska, & Natalie Daninhirsch (Carson Middle School). Students talking about their award-winning projects in response to the latest Fairchild Challenge, a national program encouraging teens to foster an interest in the environment and sponsored locally by Phipps.

YES: Fairchild Challenge

February 21, 2015 – 1:55 pm

From 2-21-15: Melina Bowser (8th grade, Carson Middle School), Emily Kelly, Allison Squire (8th grade, Shaler Area Middle School) McKenna Robinson, Olivia Lyscik (5th grade, David E. Williams Middle School), Teighan Racicot, and Elsa Tonkinwisee talking about their winning entries in the latest Fairchild Challenge at Phipps.

YES: Fairchild Challenge

December 27, 2014 – 2:43 pm
Fairchild Challenge

From 12-27-14: Fairchild Challenge photography honorees Audrey Lyda (The Ellis School), Bilquisu Abdullah, Syed Rizvi and Sean Bright (Shaffer Elementary), Eddie Sheets (Shaler Area Middle School), Dylan Sparkenbaugh (David E. Williams Middle School), and Panari Patel (Keystone Oaks Middle School).

YES: Fairchild Challenge

November 22, 2014 – 4:17 pm

From 11-22-14: Winning writers Anna Yaksich (Springdale Junior High School), Elsa Tonkinwise (The Ellis School), Maggie Shissler (St. Sylvester), Brandon Skalniak (St. Sylvester) and Emily Ehrenberger (Shaler Area Middle School) with excerpts from their entries in the Fairchild Challenge, a Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Garden program offering teens creative ways to learn more about the environment.

YES: Fairchild Challenge Winners from Shaler Area Middle School

June 7, 2014 – 11:45 am

From 6-7-14: Shaler Area Middle School students discussing their year long commitment to the environment and first place finish in the Fairchild Challenge at Phipps Conservatory.

YES: Fairchild Challenge #6 Winners

May 10, 2014 – 11:43 am

From 5/10/14: Students from Carson Middle School, Shaffer Elementary School and Shaler Area Middle School on their winning Fairchild Challenge entries addressing environmental action.

YES: Winners from the Fairchild Challenge #6 at Phipps

June 1, 2013 – 11:27 am
Fairchild Winners

From 6/1/2013: In this Challenge #6, Publicity Campaign: Plants in Your Life, all participants were asked to create a publicity campaign that encourages everyday people to incorporate more plants in their lives. Listen as winners from area middle schools discuss their designs and processes, live on SLB.