Articles in Fox Chapel Area School District
Kerr Elementary School: 2nd Grade Playground Project – 2016

Between March 4th and May 6th 2016, SLB Radio worked with 60 second graders to use the tools of radio broadcasting to sharpen self-expression, persuasive writing and creativity while learning about play, playgrounds and playground design.
Fox Chapel Area School District: Creativity & Literacy Program – Fall 2014

In Fall of 2014, SLB Radio Productions, Inc., in partnership with the Fox Chapel Area School District Creativity and Literacy Program convened a group of nine Pre-K students and their caregivers to learn about and explore the technology used to make audio recordings for radio, While practicing their ability to express themselves. Students wrote and illustrated books about their lives containing pages about their families, their favorite books, why it’s important to read and even their expertise on how to do things – from giving a dog a snack, to eating a fruit snack or going to the pool.