Youth Expression Showcase

Our weekly radio program invites students in Grades K-12 to perform live on the air. Hear young musicians, singer/songwriters, photographers, writers, poets and other people who express themselves through the arts.

Oral History

SLB Radio’s Oral History Program connects teens with adult role models in their communities. Click here to listen.


Since 1978, The Saturday Light Brigade has broadcast LIVE spontaneous on-air phone calls from kids and adults as part of its Saturday morning radio program. Now you can hear some of the most memorable calls from people participating in on-air games and other participatory features or simply calling to tell us about something exciting.


Join us as we celebrate the original talent in our midst with these weekly archives of in-studio performances by regional and national musicians and artists. Folk, bluegrass, jazz, singer/songwriter, international, storytellers and more!


Audio replays from the hundreds of arts, human services and other non-profit organizations interviewed by SLB each year.

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Articles tagged with: North Side

Sherman Alexie Visits Pittsburgh Perry

October 16, 2017 – 3:50 pm

On October 16th, renowned author Sherman Alexie visited Pittsburgh Perry …

CLP Allegheny – Summer 2017

August 2, 2017 – 4:31 pm
CLP Allegheny

Our cohort of youth created some fantastic podcasts this summer at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Allegheny branch in the North Side. Topics ranged from bullying to the pros and cons of technology to the benefits of the programs CLP Allegheny offers.

CLP Woods Run – Summer 2017

August 1, 2017 – 11:41 am

We just wrapped up summer programming at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Woods Run branch! Radio Club members learned about audio and created some great pieces of their own. Also be sure to check out the audio from the National Night Out event which was hosted at CLP Woods Run.

Under the Tent and Around the World

May 16, 2017 – 2:09 pm

On May 16th 2017, Propel Schools and City of Asylum partnered for “Under the Tent and Around the World”, an event hosted at City of Asylum’s Sampsonia Way location on the Northside. Students and families were able to create art, taste foods from different cultures, listen to music and authors, and meet people from other countries that now call Pittsburgh home. Youth Express was on hand to talk to those in attendance.

Little Free Libraries at Perry High School

May 12, 2016 – 1:19 pm

Perry Traditional Academy students showed off some of their hard work with Little Free Libraries to peers and mentors alike at Remake Learning Days.