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YES: Poetry Inspired by Historical Architecture

Submitted by on March 30, 2013 – 11:37 am

IMG_8415From 3/30/13: Pittsburgh Banksville K-5 students Jaiman White (11), Daisy Tappe (10), and Cristal Flores (10) discuss and share art and poetry inspired by Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation explorations of architectural spaces in Squirrel Hill, the South Side and Banksville

Download Audio FileJaiman, Daisy & Cristal [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/artists/2013-03-30-Poets.mp3]


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  • louise sturgess says:

    Loved the Poetry radio segment on March 30. Thanks so much for inviting us to be on SLB Radio. Your programming is terrific. Larry puts everyone at ease and creates such a great rapport with everyone: listeners and guests. Thank you!

  • daisy Tappe says:

    I am the girl with the Hollister hoodie on I can’t believe I found this pic me Cristal and jamian look so young

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