Home » Pittsburgh King, Pittsburgh Public Schools

Pittsburgh King After School 2015-16: “What’s Important to Me”

Submitted by on November 10, 2015 – 2:22 pm

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Students at Pittsburgh King were given a variety of writing promptsĀ rangingĀ from: “What would you change if you were president?” to “What is an important issue in your life?” After writing, they then made these recordings. One student even recorded a brief preview of a TV script she had written in her spare time!

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Download Audio FileJalen

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pps/King/2015-2016/2015-11-10 What’s Important to Me/jalen_12_Important.mp3]

Download Audio FileJa’mese

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pps/King/2015-2016/2015-11-10 What’s Important to Me/jamese_12_important.mp3]


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Download Audio FileJordan

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pps/King/2015-2016/2015-11-10 What’s Important to Me/jordan_12_important.mp3]

Download Audio FileMariah

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pps/King/2015-2016/2015-11-10 What’s Important to Me/Mariah_11_Important_FX.mp3]


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