Articles in Woodland Hills
Woodland Hills PrimeTime: Make-up Words

Woodland Hills PrimeTime middle-school students put their imaginative vocabulary to the test as each student was given a made-up word and tasked with giving it a meaning and using it a sentence.
Woodland Hills PrimeTime: Haikus & Favorite Subjects

Woodland Hills PrimeTime Jr. High students share their original Haiku poems written and recorded during our visit, while others discuss their preferred school subjects and favorite books.
Woodland Hills PrimeTime Afterschool

7th & 8th graders of Woodland Hills PrimeTime After-school program are in transition. This year, the junior-high and high-school students have been brought together under the one roof. Hear what they have to say about the new learning environment as they compare and contrast experiences from years past and discover the new and exciting opportunities that come with being in a new building.
Woodland Hills PrimeTime Summer Radio Club

This Summer, we are fortunate to have a large group of unique personalities at Woodland Hills “PrimeTime” Radio Club. Tune-in to hear how they describe themselves. Some students even shared a little bit about their camp experience and accomplishments thus far.