Youth Expression Showcase

Our weekly radio program invites students in Grades K-12 to perform live on the air. Hear young musicians, singer/songwriters, photographers, writers, poets and other people who express themselves through the arts.

Oral History

SLB Radio’s Oral History Program connects teens with adult role models in their communities. Click here to listen.


Since 1978, The Saturday Light Brigade has broadcast LIVE spontaneous on-air phone calls from kids and adults as part of its Saturday morning radio program. Now you can hear some of the most memorable calls from people participating in on-air games and other participatory features or simply calling to tell us about something exciting.


Join us as we celebrate the original talent in our midst with these weekly archives of in-studio performances by regional and national musicians and artists. Folk, bluegrass, jazz, singer/songwriter, international, storytellers and more!


Audio replays from the hundreds of arts, human services and other non-profit organizations interviewed by SLB each year.

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Articles in Woodland Hills

Woodland Hills Prime Time, 2016-2017: Interviewing

October 13, 2016 – 10:20 am

Students were introduced to the basics of interviewing as well as the H1, a handheld digital recorder. After forming groups of two, they took turns operating the equipment and asking insightful questions of their classmates.

Woodland Hills Prime Time, 2016-2017: On Bullying

October 11, 2016 – 3:39 pm

Students at Woodland Hills Junior/Senor High School reflected on bullying and on ways to prevent further aggressive behavior.

Woodland Hills Prime Time, 2016-2017: “My Best Day Ever” pt. 2

October 6, 2016 – 10:05 am

Students who had not recorded their “Best Day Ever” pieces on Tuesday got a chance Thursday, while others–brimming with uncontrollable anticipation–wrote and recorded about Halloween.

Woodland Hills Prime Time, 2016-2017: “My Best Day Ever”

October 4, 2016 – 10:06 am

Students at Woodland Hills were asked, “What would happen on your best day ever? From the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, who would you meet, what would you eat and what would you do to make this your most memorable, exciting day?!”

Woodland Hills Prime Time, 2016-2017: Mic Technique & Video Games

September 29, 2016 – 12:07 pm

Students at Woodland Hills Prime Time wrote and recorded about their love of video games. Mike also gave a surprise trombone performance for the whole class!

Woodland Hills Prime Time, 2016-2017: “When I Grow Up”

September 22, 2016 – 12:11 pm

This week the 7th, 8th & 9th graders at Woodland Hills Prime Time were asked the classic question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Some students wanted to join the various law enforcement agencies, one had his heart set on video game design, while another just wanted to design a Pokemon-themed car.

Woodland Hills Prime Time, 2016-2017: My Neighborhood

September 20, 2016 – 11:25 am

Students attending Woodland Hills Prime Time wrote and recorded these pieces about their neighborhoods–what they about them liked, what they didn’t like, and what they would change.

Woodland Hills Prime Time, 2016-2017: Monster Stories

September 13, 2016 – 12:11 pm

Students at Woodland Hills Junior/Senior High School participated in their second session of Radio Club! This time they were asked to write and record stories that would make listeners’ neck hair stand on end. Some revolve around a menacing mutant werewolf gorilla while others concern themselves with the all consuming nature of “Pokemon Go!”

Woodland Hills Prime Time, 2016-2017: First Day & Introductions

September 8, 2016 – 2:13 pm

7th & 8th graders at Woodland Hills Middle School had their first day of Radio Club, where they were introduced to the Saturday Light Brigade as well as the basics of audio production.

YES: Fairchild Challenge

November 28, 2015 – 12:45 pm

From: 11/28/2015: Ella Conti (11, Forest Hills) and Madeline Douglas (11, Swissvale) represent Woodland Hills academy winners of the Fairchild Challenge, a national program designed to foster environmental awareness and action in teens and coordinated locally by Phipps Conservancy & Botanical Gardens.