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YES: Fairchild Challenge

Submitted by on December 27, 2014 – 2:43 pm

From 12-27-14:  Fairchild Challenge photography honorees Audrey Lyda (The Ellis School), Bilquisu Abdullah, Syed Rizvi and Sean Bright (Shaffer Elementary), Eddie Sheets (Shaler Area Middle School), Dylan Sparkenbaugh (David E. Williams Middle School), and Panari Patel (Keystone Oaks Middle School).

Fairchild Challenge

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/artists/2014-12-27_Fairchild Challenge.mp3]


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  • Mckenzie says:

    Hey Sean bilquisu and syed go to my school and they are really nice bilquisu is in my math class syed is in my homeroom and Sean is in my Spanish class. The are really smart to they sometime I think they are smarter then the teacher they debate with the teacher sometimes. I did fair child challenge number 3and so did they and there drawings where so good they are hanging In our hallway and every time somebody comes to our school they say wow how nice there pictures look and I’m like yes and those where done by a 12 year old

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