Lincoln Elementary: One Safe Place – Grade 4
4th graders at Pittsburgh Lincoln K-8 discuss their need for a safe place, and how they create their own.
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Christian [audio:]
Imani [audio:]
Jasmine [audio:]
Kevin [audio:]
Kyra [audio:]
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Malik [audio:]
Malik: Rap [audio:]
Marrisa [audio:]
Raujee [audio:]
Shalece [audio:]
I am SOOO glad you all have a place you feel safe. When something happens to make you feel stress and you can’t get to your room, closet, your house, etc, see if your imagination could be another safe place for you to go. Because your imagination you can take with you whereever you go.
When I was little some teachers would yell at the whole class, when really it was just 1 or 2 kids who had done something wrong. So when they were yelling, I might wish I could leave, but I had to act like I was listening. But if I knew it was really Kirk who had done whatever the teacher was upset about, noone could stop me from imagining a very large ketchup bottle hovering above the boy’s head about to squirt. And it would give me a smile inside (be careful not to let it show on the outside if you are supposed to be listening!).