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Gemini Children’s Theater’s Jungle Book

Submitted by on January 10, 2011 – 4:59 pm

The Gemini Theater produces original, interactive, children’s musicals which focus on artistic, cultural and educational themes. This week we welcome members of the cast of Jungle Book as they preview their production of this classic story.

Download Audio FileGeminiChildren’s Theater’s Jungle Book [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/artists/2011-01-08-GeminiChildrensTheatersJungleBook.mp3]


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  • Matt Weiss says:

    Thanks to Larry and the Light Brigade crew for showing my daughter Maya and her castmates such a good time this past Saturday. It was a thrill for her to be on the radio (and I want to point out here that she didn’t say “hi” to her dad only because I was in the studio!).

    We hope she’ll come back if she’s involved in future productions. Great show!

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