Home » Girl Talk

Girl Talk, Volume 1

Submitted by on October 29, 2019 – 2:22 pm

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This edition of Girl Talk served twenty-nine girls between 11 and 17 years of age in the Hill District, Uptown, and Oakland neighborhoods of Pittsburgh. Mentored and guided by SLB Radio staff educators, girls prepared for and conducted interviews. The resulting product includes twenty-five interviews featured in booklet form, online, and on CD.

View the booklet here


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Terri Baltimore
Interview by Samara & Paris


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ShiKayla Clancy
Interview by Jhurnei, Jo’Asha & Aniya


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Ashley Comans
Interview by Cheyenne, Brittany & Rashanda


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Kim El
Interview by Terrina & Amiyia


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Carmen Ellington
Interview by Paris & Samara


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Charlene Foggie-Barnett
Interview by Samara & Paris


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DaVonna Graham
Interview by Payton & Micah


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Sharnay Hearn-Davis
Interview by Unique & Shenelle


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Kira Henderson
Interview by Juanae, De’Neaejah & Amya


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Danielle Jackson
Interview by Amya, Jhurnei & Lina


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Denise Johnson
Interview by Taylor & Nichole


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Florence Johnson
Interview by Samara, Paris & Amiyia


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Dr. Emma Lucas-Darby
Interview by KiMara, Jamaica & Kamya


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Rev. Evelena McFarland
Interview by Amya, Breonna & Rae’aujah


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Ayisha Morgan-Lee
Interview by Cheyenne, Brittany & Rashanda


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Majerica Rainey
Interview by Taylor & Nichole


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Malaysia Rainey
Interview by Amya, Imani & Ah’yonna


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Brenda Tate
Interview by Jamaica & KiMara


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Tia Torres
Interview by Aliyah & Nichole


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Denise Tucker
Interview by Breonna & Rae’aujah


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Diamonte Walker
Interview by Unique & Shenelle


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Renay Warren
Interview by Amya & Aaliyah


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Marisa C. Williams
Interview by Terrina & Payton


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Merecedes J. Williams
Interview by Cheyenne, Brittany & Unique


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Jackie Wright
Interview by Tyra, Shenelle & Rashanda





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Reflection by youth interviewees


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz8mTI_NYc8[/embedyt]


Girl Talk is made possible with generous support from McAuley Ministries Foundation. Special thanks to Karla Stallworth, Rev. Glenn Grayson Sr., Kim El, Malaysia Rainey, Renay Warren and everyone at School 2 Career and Jeron X. Grayson Community Center.

For a copy of the accompanying book/CD or for information about conducting a similar oral history project in your community, please contact Chanessa Schuler at chanessa@slbradio.org

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