Youth Expression Showcase

Our weekly radio program invites students in Grades K-12 to perform live on the air. Hear young musicians, singer/songwriters, photographers, writers, poets and other people who express themselves through the arts.

Oral History

SLB Radio’s Oral History Program connects teens with adult role models in their communities. Click here to listen.


Since 1978, The Saturday Light Brigade has broadcast LIVE spontaneous on-air phone calls from kids and adults as part of its Saturday morning radio program. Now you can hear some of the most memorable calls from people participating in on-air games and other participatory features or simply calling to tell us about something exciting.


Join us as we celebrate the original talent in our midst with these weekly archives of in-studio performances by regional and national musicians and artists. Folk, bluegrass, jazz, singer/songwriter, international, storytellers and more!


Audio replays from the hundreds of arts, human services and other non-profit organizations interviewed by SLB each year.

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Articles in Youth Expression Showcase

YES: Urban Impact Shakes, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

August 13, 2016 – 11:00 am

From 08/13/2016: Melannie (18, Northside), Tyler (16, Ross Township), Ransom (18, Uptown), and Tiffany (21, Polish Hill) preview Urban Impact Shakes performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, New Hazlett Theater, 8/18 to 8/21.

YES: Seton Center School of Music Violins

August 6, 2016 – 11:00 am

From 08/06/2016: Seton Center School of Music violin players Rebecca Walter (11, Carnegie Elementary), Thomas Strauser (11, St. Elizabeth Elementary), Evan Koepfinger (13, PA Cyber), Isabella Cardimen (12, Holy Trinity), and Colin Cimino (12, Holy Trinity) perform ensemble pieces along with instructor John Ott.

YES: Heather Raphael

July 30, 2016 – 11:00 am

From 07/30/2016: Heather Raphael (16, Fox Chapel) performs original songs on voice and piano.

YES: David’s Music House Saxophone Players

July 23, 2016 – 11:00 am

From 07/23/2016: David’s Music House saxophonists Brenden Stilwell (13, Canon-McMillan) and Kate Hardy (13, Peters Township), accompanied by instructor, Ben Barson, perform solo and as an ensemble.

YES: Marbles National Champion, Haley Grenesko

July 16, 2016 – 11:15 am

From 07/16/2016: Haley Grenesko (13, Morningside) discussing the game of marbles and her victory at the 2016 National Marbles Championship.

YES: Johnstonbaugh’s Music Centers Guitarists

July 16, 2016 – 10:45 am

From 07/16/2016: Guitarists Jackson Farmakis (11, Hampton Middle School), Ahmer Shaikh (14, Shadyside Academy), Vince Riehl (14, Hampton High School) and Dewey Bokil (15, Pine Richland High School) under the direction of instructor Craig “Izzy” Arlet, Johnstonbaugh’s Music Center.

YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

July 9, 2016 – 10:35 am

From 07/09/2016: Big Brother Phil Romano and Little Brother Leo talk about their relationship as forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBBS staffer Cheryl Jones.

YES: KRUNK Movement

July 2, 2016 – 11:15 am

From 07/02/2016: KRUNK Movement members Robin Grayson, Jaaden Humphries, Alonzo Cotton, all from Allderdice, and Azende Reid(Propel Andrew Street) discuss and perform music from their EP, In Good Time. The group is directed by L U C Mickens.

YES: Center of Life Jazz Band

July 2, 2016 – 10:45 am

From 07/02/2016: The Center of Life Jazz Band featuring Pittsburgh CAPA students Milan Grayson (14, sax) and Skylar Thomas (16, bass) along with Center of Life faculty members Erli Veizi (piano) and Loran Mann II (drums).

YES: Echo Valley

June 25, 2016 – 11:30 am

From 06/25/2016: Bluegrass and gospel music from Echo Valley, comprised of siblings Elizabeth (21), Emily (17), Isabelle (15), Olivia (13), Emmaline (11), Annamae (9), and David (7).