Articles in Youth Expression Showcase
YES: Shane Treloar
New at Neighborhoodvoices: Known as ‘the boy with the golden voice,’ Shane is a singer and also a skillful tap dancer, following in the tradition of Pittsburgh’s own Gene Kelly. We were pleased to welcome this young and unique talent to our studios this past week.
YES: Lily Zhang
New at Neighborhoodvoices: The Pittsburgh Concert Society’s Young Artists Competition provides a recital opportunity and support to talented classical musicians. This week, we were delighted to present winning artist Lily Zhang, who performed selections on piano.
YES: South Park Children’s Theatre
New at Neighborhoodvoices: Youth from South Park Children’s Theatre, performing selections from their latest production, “Pirates – the Musical.”
YES: Summer Dreamer’s Academy 2012
New at Neighborhoodvoices: Interns, activity providers, and district personnel from Summer Dreamers Academy 2012 join us to demonstrate how Pittsburgh is leading the nation in preventing summer learning loss and closing the achievement gap for students in PPS grades K-8.
YES: Christian Chiu
New at Neighborhoodvoices: The Pittsburgh Concert Society’s Young Artists Competition provides a recital opportunity and support to talented classical musicians. This week, we’re delighted to present winning artist Christian Chiu, performing selections on piano, live on SLB.
YES: Diviapaed
New at Neighborhoodvoices: Local singer-songwriter B. Greiner, 15, is ‘Diviapaed,’ a fusion of soft-rock, folk and christian music. We’re pleased to welcome this young talent, live on SLB.
YES: Michael Boyas
New at Neighborhoodvoices: The Pittsburgh Concert Society’s Young Artists Competition provides a recital opportunity and support to talented classical musicians. This week, we’re delighted to present winning artist Michael Boyas, tenor, sharing with us recorded performances from his March recital.
YES: Children of the New World Chorus
New at Neighborhoodvoices: Children of the New World is a summer camp offered by the Pittsburgh School for the Choral Arts. Taught by leaders of the Oakland Girls Choir, the camp includes a week of musical learning, art activities, dance classes, and games which focus on different cultures in the Americas. This performance is a culmination of the music they’ve learned over the week, from a group of 1st through 6th grade girls.
YES: South Park Children’s Theatre
New at Neighborhoodvoices: The youth cast of South Park Theatre’s latest production, ‘Blame It on the Wolf’, perform selected scenes from the play. The South Park Theatre’s mission is to provide quality, affordable mainstream theatre to both adults and children in the region and encourage participation and involvement in the arts. The Children’s Theatre stage is a unique, outdoor venue for children to enjoy quality, family-friendly theatre.
YES: Center for Young Musicians Cellists
New at Neighborhoodvoices: Celia, 5, Elliot, 5, Coleman, 6, Colin, 7, Bob, 8, Kazu, 10, and Annie, 11, are cellists at the Center for Young Musicians under the instruction of Rowena Gutana. The Center for Young Musicians develops a community of students with a life-long love of music through a comprehensive, long-term curriculum. We’re happy to have these young players in our studios, performing live on SLB.