Home » Pittsburgh Youth Radio Corps

New Hazlett Theater CSA 2023-2024 Student Reviews

Submitted by on November 17, 2023 – 4:09 pm
New Hazlett Theater CSA

Students from SLB Radio’s Youth Media center after school program share their reviews of the New Hazlett Theater’s CSA productions for the 2023-2024 season.

As the CSA season progresses at the New Hazlett, reviews for the following shows will be included:

Brain Pope: Himbos // Oct. 26 – 27

One-Log Bridge by Yan Pang // Dec 7 – 8

Teaira Whitehead by Melannie Taylor // Feb 15 – 16

UNDERLAND X Alice by Kontara Morphis // March 21 – 22

Apis by Lindsay Goranson // April 18 – 19

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