Home » Pittsburgh Public Schools, Pittsburgh Schiller 6-8, Pittsburgh Youth Radio Corps

Pittsburgh Schiller 6-8 2015: Important Issues

Submitted by on March 19, 2015 – 12:29 pm


Students in Radio Club at Pittsburgh Schiller 6-8 wrote and recorded these pieces where they describe issues and concerns they have about their school, their neighborhood and even the world.  In addition to these pieces, they each chose one person they would like to interview and shared one question they would ask that person. These pieces are a result of the second of six weekly sessions in which students will learn about the microphones, mixers and digital recorders used in producing features for radio.
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Download Audio FileAliyah

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/Buhl Workshops/Pittsburgh Schiller 2015/2015-03-19 Important Issues/Aliyah_Important-Issue.mp3]

Download Audio FileAlyze

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/Buhl Workshops/Pittsburgh Schiller 2015/2015-03-19 Important Issues/Alyze_Important-Issue.mp3]

Download Audio FileIsaac

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/Buhl Workshops/Pittsburgh Schiller 2015/2015-03-19 Important Issues/Isaac_Important-Issue.mp3]

Download Audio FileJaise

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/Buhl Workshops/Pittsburgh Schiller 2015/2015-03-19 Important Issues/Jaise_Important-Issue.mp3]

Download Audio FileNasheed

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/Buhl Workshops/Pittsburgh Schiller 2015/2015-03-19 Important Issues/Nasheed_Important-Issue.mp3]

Download Audio FileInterview Discussion

[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/Buhl Workshops/Pittsburgh Schiller 2015/2015-03-19 Important Issues/Group-Montage-INterviews.mp3]


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