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Crossing Fences: Homewood

Submitted by on December 11, 2012 – 11:50 am

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Homewood Voices features first-person reflections from thirteen men as collected by seventeen boys.  Project activities were conducted in collaboration with the YMCA Lighthouse Project at Pittsburgh Westinghouse 6-12 in Homewood. Listen below for each man’s story as well as reflections from the interviewers.

Homewood Voices Full Book

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Kevin Amos
Interview by Rodney Smitherman

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Derrick Lopez
Interview by Lemuel Jackson & Rodney Smitherman

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John Brewer
Interview by Hezekiah Moore

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Elwin Green
Interview by Rodney Smitherman

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Jerome Jackson
Interview by Darius Covington & Jacquea Henderson

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John Wilborn III
Interview by Ricko Christian & Jaymier Scarbrough

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Terrence Taylor
Interview by Jacquea Henderson & Darius Covington

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Phillip Lee Thompson, Jr.
Interview by Dayvon Staten

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George Webb
Interview by Demetrius Allen-Green, Gerrod Travis & Yamir Nelson

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Kevin B. Wells
Interview by Dayvon Staten

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Rev. Sam Ware
Interview by Nehemiah Hudgins-Lopez & Gerrod Travis

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Greg Whitted
Interview by Darius Covington & Jacquea Henderson

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James Brown
Interview by Justice Perry, Phillip Thompson III & Nathawan Weatherspoon


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Reflection by Rodney Smitherman on interviewing Kevin Amos

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Reflection by Lemuel Jackson & Rodney Smitherman on interviewing Derrick Lopez 


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Reflection by Hezekiah Moore on interviewing John Brewer

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Reflection by Rodney Smitherman on interviewing Elwin Green

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Reflection by Darius Covington & Jacquea Henderson on interviewing Jerome Jackson

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Reflection by Ricko Christian & Jaymier Scarbrough on interviewing John Wilborn III


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Reflection by Jacquea Henderson & Darius Covington on interviewing Terrence Taylor 

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Reflection by Dayvon Staten on interviewing Phillip Lee Thompson, Jr.

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Reflection by Demetrius Allen-Green, Gerrod Travis & Yamir Nelson on interviewing George Webb

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Reflection by Dayvon Staten on interviewing Kevin B. Wells

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Reflection by Nehemiah Hudgins-Lopez & Gerrod Travis on interviewing Rev. Sam Ware

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Reflection by Darius Covington & Jacquea Henderson on interviewing Greg Whitted

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Reflection by Justice Perry, Phillip Thompson III & Nathawan Weatherspoon on interviewing James Brown



Special thanks to Phil Thompson, James Brown, Derrick Lopez and everyone at the YMCA Lighthouse Project and Homewood Children’s Village.

For a copy of the accompanying book/CD or for information about conducting a similar oral history project in your community,  contact Chanessa Schuler at chanessa@slbradio.org.

This project was made possible by the African American Men and Boys Initiative of The Heinz Endowments with support from:



with additional support from the New Pittsburgh Courier, Kidsburgh and Spark, a program of The Sprout Fund.  The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the individuals represented and do not necessarily reflect those of The Heinz Endowments or any collaborating organization.

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