Articles in Oral History
From There to Here… 2017/2018

As part of their Fall 2017 Social Studies unit, thirty-six Winchester Thurston School fifth graders interviewed people who came to the Pittsburgh area from other parts of the world. Here are excerpts from these interviews, and the students’ reflections on this project.
Crossing Fences: 2016 Garfield

Garfield Voices features first-person reflections from eleven men as collected by fifteen boys. Project activities were conducted in collaboration with Brothers and Sisters Emerging. Listen below for each man’s story as well as reflections from the interviewers.
Crossing Fences: 2016 Northview Heights

Northview Heights Voices features first-person reflections from ten men as collected by twelve boys. Project activities were conducted in collaboration with YouthPlaces. Listen below for each man’s story as well as reflections from the interviewers.
Crossing Fences: 2016 Penn Hills

Penn Hills Voices features first-person reflections from ten men as collected by fourteen boys. Project activities were conducted in collaboration with Penn Hills Varsity Football, Penn Hills Midget Football League, and the Penn Hills YMCA. Listen below for each man’s story as well as reflections from the interviewers.
From There to Here…2016/2017

As part of their Fall 2015 Social Studies unit, thirty-five Winchester Thurston School fifth graders interviewed people who came to the Pittsburgh area from other parts of the world.
Generation Freedom Tree – Oral History

In Summer of 2016, SLB Radio Productions, Inc., in partnership with Generation Freedom Tree, convened a group of students to conduct interviews with community leaders and mentors. Generation Freedom Tree’s mission is to educate, entertain, and create a place of freedom to one’s self and power. By allowing children and teens to have the freedom to be themselves, we allow them to truly THINK for themselves and teach one another.
From There to Here…2015/2016

As part of their Fall 2015 Social Studies unit, thirty-five Winchester Thurston School fifth graders interviewed people who came to the Pittsburgh area from other parts of the world.
Crossing Fences: Homestead

Homestead Voices features first-person reflections from nine men as collected by eleven boys. Project activities were conducted in collaboration with Homestead Youth Project at Best of the Batch. Listen below for each man’s story as well as reflections from the interviewers.
Crossing Fences: Braddock

Braddock Voices features first-person reflections from ten men as collected by ten boys. Project activities were conducted in collaboration with Braddock Carnegie Library and Braddock Youth Project. Listen below for each man’s story as well as reflections from the interviewers.
Crossing Fences: Sheraden

Sheraden Voices features first-person reflections from eleven men as collected by twelve boys. Project activities were conducted in collaboration with H.O.P.E. for Tomorrow at Trinity AME Zion Church. Listen below for each man’s story as well as reflections from the interviewers.