Articles in Big Brother Big Sister of The Month
YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

From 11/05/2016: Big brother Luke Fleisch and little brother Nijhay (8th grade, Steel Valley) talking about their relationship as forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBBS staffer Tom Baker.
YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

From 06/11/2016: Big Sister Kelsey Viets and Little Sister Destiny talk about their relationship as forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBBS staffer Cheryl Jones.
YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

From 04/09/2016: Carly Hicks and Lyric on their relationship forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh with BBBS staffer Kristine Pace.
YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

From 02/06/2016: Big sister Jamie Swierkos and little sister Talia talk about their relationship as forged by Big Brothers Big Sister of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBBS staffer Kristine Pace.
YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

From 01/02/2016: Promoting January as national mentoring month, Sydney and Tiffany talk about their relationship forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBBS staff, Cheryl Jones.
YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

From 12/05/2015: Maddie and Sierra talk about their relationship forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBBS staff, Cheryl Jones.
YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

From 10/03/2015: Big couple Brian Needham and Ami Saji with little brother, Xavier, talk about their relationship forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBBS staff, Sandra Eritano.
YES: Big Brother, Big Sister of the Month

Lauren and Shyae talk about their relationship as forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBS staffer Cheryl Jones.
YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

From 5-2-2015: Gina and Sydney on their special relationship forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with Cheryl Jones from BBBS.
YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

From 6-7-14: Matt Collins and Noah talking about their special relationship as forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBBS staffer Sandra Eritano.