[dmalbum path=”/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Langley DungyComcast/”/]
October 21, 2013 will be remembered as a special day at Pittsburgh Langley K-8 as Comcast Executive Vice President David L. Cohen, former Pittsburgh Steeler and Super Bowl winning coach Tony Dungy, and other special guests visited with students
to celebrate the kick-off of Year 3 of Comcast Internet Essentials (SM), bringing affordable Internet to homes of students for school, work, communicating with others and more.
As part of this celebration, students wrote essays answering the question “How can the Internet prepare me to have a productive impact on my life and the lives of others?”. What follows are 12 essay entries as well as two special bonus tracks honoring
Tony Dungy as created at the Citiparks Afterschool Academy Radio Club and facilitated by The Saturday Light Brigade.
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Montage 1 [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/01_Montage_by_Chanessa_mixdown.mp3]

Austin [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/02_Austin_5th_Internet.mp3]

Jackie [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/03_Jackie_Internet.mp3]

Melaina [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/04_Melaina_8th_Internet.mp3]

Micaiah [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/05_Micaiah_Internet.mp3]

Ne’Aijah [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/06_Ne’Aijah_Internet.mp3]

Uthman [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/07_Uthman_Internet.mp3]

Montage 2 [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/08_Montage_by_Sarah_mixdown.mp3]

Amelia [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/09_Amelia_8th_Internet.mp3]

Bri’Jaun [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/10_Bri’Jaun_Internet.mp3]

Jeremy [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/11_Jeremy_7th_Internet.mp3]

Kimberley [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/12_Kimberley_Internet.mp3]

Marriyah [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/13_Marriyah_5th_Internet.mp3]

Quincy [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/citiparks/Langley K-8 – Tony Dungy & Comcast/14_Quincy_Internet.mp3]