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dBigelow Heights Memories [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/Greenfield Oral History/DraftFinal_mixdown.mp3]
Bigelow Heights Community Reunion
You’ve heard of high school or college reunions, what about a neighborhood reunion? That’s what happened on July 30 and July 31, 2011 as over 100 former (and current) residents reconnected. Listen to stories from folks who grew up in Bigelow Heights after World War II. Discover the joys and fears found in this neighborhood located between Greenfield and Squirrel Hill. This audio was collected and edited by neighborhood resident Norton Gusky.
Hi Norton, I was listening to this and was wondering why you kept in some name-calling? I think that the people who lived in the run may take offense to them being called “Hunkies”. I’m not one of them, but I found it offensive, so I’m sure they might as well. I also think the Jewish comment regarding St. Rosalia School was in poor taste as well. Bigelow Heights was not just the Jewish peoples. It was a total cultural mixture.
Just had to vent because I was appalled.
I finally got the chance to listen to all of the memories you recorded from the reunion. It was great! If I close my eyes, I can picture much of what was shared. It was a unique period of time and old pictures and movies look like historical images of baby boomers growing up.
I lived on Susanna Court from the age of 6 months until we moved to Sq Hill at the end of 5th Grade. I remember playing with my cousin Jann Sternberg…until they moved to Ohio when we were in 3rd grade, Nancy Rosenthal, Darci Lester, Janet Shapiro, Jim McHale,and Ron Rizzo. It was so great to go outside and have a group of kids ready to play. It was nice to hear another cousin mentioned in memories (Nancy Fogel).
We all went to school together and our parents were on the PTA, so the neighborhood did feel safe.
My daughter looks at our old movies and thinks it was a much easier time to grow up in. Her childhood experiences involved neighborhood kids going to different schools. Having play dates meant driving anywhere from Edgewood to Sq Hill, Shadyside, Fox Chapel…
Thanks so much for sharing everyone!
It is hard to believe that it has been almost 5 years since we got together.
I love listening to the conversations and remembering how wonderful it was growing up in Bigelow Heights.