Articles in Youth Expression Showcase
Live Music: Squirrel Hillbillies
From 3/29/14: The Squirrel Hillbillies with songs from their new CD Goody Shoes, set to be releases at a free performance at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh in Squirrel Hill, 3/30, 2-4 pm
YES: Seton Center Violinists
From 3/29/14: Violinists from Seton Center School of Music in Brookline
YES: GLSEN Peer Advocates for Safer Schools
From 3/29/14: Jordan Staff, Lauren Grosse (both of Shaler Area High School), Ryan Whelan (Central Catholic High School) and coordinator Kayla Rodabaugh on the GLSEN Peer Advocates for Safer Schools program
YES: The Fantasia Quartet
From 3/22/14: The Fantasia Quartet featuring Mariam Shalaby (violin, 16, homeschooled), Anna Gorske (violin, 15, St. Bede School), Jennifer Frantz (viola, 19, Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School), and Julia Solomon (cello, 16, Pine-Richland Middle School), all of whom are also involved with Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestras
YES: Sarah Heinz House Youth
From 3/15/14: Conversation about journalism and self-expression with Sarah Heinz House members Jacob Wright (photography) and Larry Moore (writing) from Perry High School, and Marcus Williams of Alderdice High School, along with Sarah Heinz House staff member Paul Boone
YES: Girls of Steel Robotics
From 3/15/14: An update from Girls of Steel robotics team members Lynn Urbina (PA Cyber), Molly Urbina (Winchester Thurston) and Gigi Nelson (Ellis School) as they prepare for the regional competition at California University of Pittsburgh on 3/27
YES: Center for Young Musicians Guitarists
From 3/15/14: Guitarists Julian Drake (10, Ross Elementary), Manav Kathir (12, Ingomar Middle School), Nolan Jacob (13, Providence Heights Alpha), Samuel Farls (13, Providence Heights Alpha), and Bernardo Vieira (14, Marshall Middle School) from the Center for Young Musicians
YES: Brilliant Bookworms
From 3/8/14: Stories told by members of The Brilliant Bookworms, a club of 3rd, 4th and 5th Winchester Thurston grade students who enjoy each other’s company while exploring and practicing the art of storytelling
YES: Falstaff’s Fellows
From 3/8/14: Falstaff’s Fellows with original-language adaptations of Shakespeare performed by kids for kids