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Environmental Charter School at Frick Park Second Grade Persuasive Writing Project

Submitted by on March 20, 2013 – 1:40 am

Between March 7th and March 20th, SLB worked with 72 second graders at The Environmental Charter School at Frick Park as we used the tools of radio broadcasting to sharpen self-expression and persuasive writing. The pages below contain links to work written and recorded by each of the three second-grade classes. Our thanks to Shannon Shupak, Carly Catello, Joseph Burke and Nikole Sheaffer (Environmental Charter School) for the privilege of working with their students and Matt Luskey (Western Pa. Writing Project) for his support of this project.

Ms. Karichko (2A)

Mrs. Lassiter (2B)

Mrs. Shupak & Ms. Catello (2C)

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  • Marlene Talarico says:

    Congratulations to the Environmental Charter School second grade classes for their great expressions and concern for our environment. Thier teachers also deserve much credit. After hearing Sam speak so distinctively about saving our trees, and animal habitats, it certainly gives these young minds much to think about and hopefully carry these impressions into adulthood. Sam spoke clearly, and got his message across. A very charismatic young man.


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