Propel East – 7th and 8th Grade – Radio Opinion Pieces
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In Spring 2013 and as part of a 12-week Creative Arts program focused on the power of the human voice, Propel East 7th and 8th graders researched, wrote, recorded, produced and edited short radio opinion pieces over the course of 6 of the 12 weeks. They learned about conducting interviews, conforming to a process, working in groups and meeting production deadlines.
This project was designed to teach students the technology used in making radio pieces, including editing, while learning about the power of clear writing and speaking as a means of conveying information to others. Here are examples of their final pieces:
Cameron, Adam, Zac and Mathew on Health and Fitness [audio: East/7th and 8th Grade/Matt_Cameron_Zac_Adam_Joe_Final_mixdown_Fix.mp3]
Cynthia, Keaira, Michale and Jordyn on Violence [audio: East/7th and 8th Grade/Cynthia_Keaira_Michale_Jordyn_Final_mixdown.mp3]
Dejah and Austin on Lockers [audio: East/7th and 8th Grade/Austin_Dejah_Final__mixdown.mp3]
Ella, Khaliqa and Luke on Violence in Schools [audio: East/7th and 8th Grade/Ella_Luke_Khaliqa_Final_mixdown.mp3]
Justin, Robert, Saxon, Sarah and Quinton on Bullying [audio: East/7th and 8th Grade/Justin_Robert_Saxon_Sarah_Quinton_Final_mixdown.mp3]
Leanna, Micah, Michael and Kennedi on School Lunches [audio: East/7th and 8th Grade/Kennedi_Leanna_Micah_Michael_mixdown.mp3]
Paul, Shayla and Jacob on The School Dress Code [audio: East/7th and 8th Grade/Shayla_Paul_Jacob_Final_mixdown.mp3]
Shayne, Maddi, William and Ajaney on Self Harm and Suicide Awareness [audio: East/7th and 8th Grade/Shayne_Ajaney_Maddi_William_Final_mixdown.mp3]