Articles tagged with: SLB. Saturday Light Brigade
YES: Pittsburgh Concert Society Young Artists Winner, Claire Edwards

From 10/17/2015: Pittsburgh Concert Society Young Artists Winner, Claire Edwards shares selections from Bach and Paganini on violin.
YES: Pittsburgh Musical Theater

From 10/17/2015: Pittsburgh Musical Theater performers Rush Hodgin (17, Pine Richland), Sky Bennett (17, Allderdice), Sabina May (16, Moon Township), and Mia Schmidtetter (16, Fox Chapel), accompanied by music director, James Rushin, preview the upcoming show, Oliver, running October 22 to 25 at the Byham Theater.
Live Music: The Squirrel Hillbillies

From 10/17/2015: Squirrel Hillbillies Gary Crouth (vocals, guitar) and Jenny Wolsk Bain (vocals, tenor ukulele, mandolin, percussion) with acoustic folk, country and blues from the urban forest of Pittsburgh’s East End.
Interview: Jorma Kaukonen

From: 10/17/2015: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee and songwriter, Jorma Kaukonen talks about his new project at the Fur Peace Ranch and his Calliope performance with Ernie Hawkins at Carnegie Lecture Hall, Oct. 25.
Ian Neumaier of Find Some Flow

From 10/10/2015: Ian Neumaier, Founder and Director of Find Some Flow, talks about free play and his organization.
Live Music: Pittsburgh Savoyards

From 10/03/2015: Zach Luchetti, John Teresi, and Rob Hockenberry with Pittsburgh Savoyards preview Iolanthe for performances at Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall 10/9 through 10/18.
Live Performance: Jonah Winter, Picture Book Author, and Tom Roberts, Pianist

From 10/03/2015: Jonah Winter, a New York Times best-selling picture book author, Tom Roberts, and Sally Denmead talk about Jelly Roll Morton, Dizzy Gillespie, and others featured in Jonah’s biographies.
YES: Big Brother Big Sister of the Month

From 10/03/2015: Big couple Brian Needham and Ami Saji with little brother, Xavier, talk about their relationship forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBBS staff, Sandra Eritano.
YES: City Theatre Company Young Playwrights

From 09/26/2015: City Theatre Company 2015 Young Playwrights award-winners Korey Grecek (13, Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter), Tara Marsh (14, Lincoln Junior/Senior High School), Ciara Sing (15, Pittsburgh CAPA 6-12), Michelle Do (16, North Hills High School), and Sasha Edwards (16, Washington High School) all have plays selected for the 2015 Young Playwrights Contest.
Live Performance: Speak Life Storytellers

From 09/26/2015: Captain Adam J. Keene and First Officer Langston Kelly of Speak Life Storytellers present an odyssey of the imagination. They tell the story of a group of kids and their search for the key to wealth.