Articles in Conversation
Interview: Perseverance, L.E. McCullough

From 04/01/2023: Playwright L.E. McCullough to discuss Perseverance: One Holocaust Survivor’s Journey from Poland to America running 4/15 (8:00 pm) and 5/16 (2:30 pm) at the New Hazlett Theater.
Interview: Unisound, Michael Chapman

From 03/25/2023: Michael Chapman from Unisound, an organization that seeks to create a music ecosystem for youth in the Pittsburgh area by bringing together music education providers and performance opportunities.
Interview: WPCTE Festival, Amy Bouch

From 03/25/2023: Amy Bouch on the Western Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of English 2023 English Festival.
Interview: CSA Performance Series, Painting Lessons

From 03/18/2023: Playwright Jasmine Roth with a preview of Painting Lessons, running 3/23 (8 pm) and 3/24 (11 am and 8 pm) as part of the New Hazlett Theater Community Supported Art Performance Series.
Interview: CLP Teen Media Awards, Kelly Rottmund

From 03/18/2023: Coordinator of Teen Services Kelly Rottmund to discuss the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Teen Media Awards
Interview: World Affairs Council Youth Fellowship, Shawn Reming Jr.

From 03/18/2023: Shawn Reming Jr. from the World Affairs Council to discuss the 2023-2024 Youth Fellowship and Youth Board – applications due March 31st.
Interview: Project Prom, Shelli Luchs

From 03/11/2023: Shelli Luchs to discuss Project Prom, a free prom dress boutique hosted by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services.
Interview: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Prime Stage Theatre

From 03/04/2023: Prime Stage Theatre Company’s Wayne Brinda to discuss The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, running 3/3 through 3/12 on Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 2:30pm.
In Studio Pop-Up: The Global Switchboard

From 02/25/2023: Lais Alexander and Holly Hickling of The Global Switchboard with details on a new campaign for welcoming refugees and immigrants to the Pittsburgh.
Preview: Alumni Theater Company, Today’s World

From 02/25/2023: Antonio Allen (12th grade, The Neighborhood Academy) on his one act play to be performed as part of Alumni Theater Company’s Senior Project ’23.