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Live Music: Peter Yarrow with Mustard’s Retreat

Submitted by on January 19, 2013 – 12:17 pm

From 1/19/13: Folk legend Peter Yarrow with a special performance featuring Michigan-based folk duo Mustard’s Retreat.

While best known for his role in Peter, Paul & Mary, people around the world also know Peter Yarrow as the co-writer of Puff, The Magic Dragon as well as author of Day is DoneLight One Candle and other songs of hope.  Peter also is the founder of Operation Respect, an organization dedicated to providing children with an environment free of bullying, ridicule and violence.

We were honored to welcome Peter to SLB along with our friends Michael Hough and David Tamulevich of Mustard’s Retreat

Download Audio FilePeter Yarrow with Mustard’s Retreat [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/artists/2013-01-19-PeterYarrow.mp3]


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  • Thank you thank you thank you! We’ve been with The Saturday Light Brigade since the beginning, it’s gotten our Saturdays off to a good start for well over 30 years now, radio just doesn’t get any better. This is definitely a highlight of a great history!

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