Home » Pittsburgh Youth Radio Corps

Olney Friends School Podcast at the YMC

Submitted by on October 7, 2022 – 1:26 pm
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On Friday, October 7th, a group of students from the Olney Friends School visited the Youth Media Center to record their inaugural episode of The Media Bois!

The Media Bois is a student-led podcast at Olney Friends School in southeastern Ohio. On this episode, the bois talk about their experiences at Olney, learning through through the pandemic, and what they’re looking forward to this school year!

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  • Arlene Kasenic says:

    Wow! I really enjoyed hearing this podcast. Such sincere and well-spoken young men. It really gave me a good sense that, despite their different backgrounds, they are able to come together and find common ground and truly hear one another. It was also clear that they appreciate the type of interactive school experience that Olney provides. And good for you, Christy, for creating this venue for them all to share their thoughts on a deeper level. Well done all!

    • Christy says:

      Thank you so much. This was a wonderful experience for the students. We are so glad that SLB radio has this opportunity for youth. They definitely got our students off to a great start.
      Our goal is to create many more (which will be posted on our website). So sign up for our newsletters and stay tuned.

  • Barbara says:

    This is great, thank you for sharing. I am an Alumni and loved my time at Olney. It does take some getting used to, but I have the best memories and good friends from Olney. It is family definitely connected with the teachers too.

  • ctaci says:

    The multigen soccer is such a memory and I don’t even play soccer. Loved this podcast and hearing everyone’s experiences. I went to Olney 94-96 and it is unlike anything I had ever done or have done since – believe me I miss those 15 minutes of silence I once found impossible to stay awake for, ha. Covid is such a thing and I hadn’t really thought about how it was for people at Olney. Thank you so much for this, I look forward to more.

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