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January 27, 2024 – 11:05 am

From 01/27/2024: Morgantown-based fiddler, guitarist and singer/songwriter Gray Buchanan previewing her SongSpace show at First Unitarian with Bertha and the Belles, 1/27 (7:30 pm), Shadyside.

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Youth Expression Showcase

Our weekly radio program invites students in Grades K-12 to perform live on the air. Hear young musicians, singer/songwriters, photographers, writers, poets and other people who express themselves through the arts.

Oral History

SLB Radio’s Oral History Program connects teens with adult role models in their communities. Click here to listen.


Since 1978, The Saturday Light Brigade has broadcast LIVE spontaneous on-air phone calls from kids and adults as part of its Saturday morning radio program. Now you can hear some of the most memorable calls from people participating in on-air games and other participatory features or simply calling to tell us about something exciting.


Join us as we celebrate the original talent in our midst with these weekly archives of in-studio performances by regional and national musicians and artists. Folk, bluegrass, jazz, singer/songwriter, international, storytellers and more!


Audio replays from the hundreds of arts, human services and other non-profit organizations interviewed by SLB each year.

Radio Camp 2014 – Day 23 – “How I Think a Microphone Works” (Part 3)

August 1, 2014 – 10:00 am

On our final day discussing the DIY microphones, campers wrote and recorded about what they had learned!

Inclined to Care: Lifting the Alleghenies to New Heights, 2014

July 31, 2014 – 4:52 pm

IN SUMMER 2014, the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies welcomed ten students as Youth Philanthropy Interns. This 8-week program was made possible through a grant from The Heinz Endowments and is based on its long-running similar program in Pittsburgh.

Throughout their internship, students assessed community needs and developed two funding opportunities for local non-profits to apply for grants of up to $25,000 to address these needs. In addition to their grantmaking, interns created these radio documentaries.

PBS KIDS Writers Contest 2014

July 31, 2014 – 1:47 pm

As part of a partnership between SLB and WQED, winners and runners up of the PBS KIDS Writers Contest recorded their stories live in our studios. Listen to these wonderful stories from regional children, grades K-3.

Radio Camp 2014 – Day 22 – “How I Think a Microphone Works” (Part 2)

July 31, 2014 – 10:34 am

Campers (after having built and tested their microphones) wrote and recorded how they think a microphone works. They also learned the terms: “Electromagnetic Induction” and “Transducer.”

Radio Camp 2014 – Day 21 – Microphone Building (Part 2)

July 30, 2014 – 10:11 am

Campers finally got to test their DIY microphones! After a brief explanation of electromagnetic induction, we attached their microphones to a mixer using alligator clips and started amplifying!

Radio Camp 2014 – Day 20 – Microphone Building (Part 1)

July 29, 2014 – 10:19 am

On our twentieth day, campers got to build working microphones out of household materials!

Radio Camp 2014 – Day 19 – “How Do You Think a Microphone Works?”

July 28, 2014 – 10:11 am

Campers were asked to write and record about how they thought a microphone works. A few had some imaginative ideas!

Radio Camp 2014 – Day 18 – My Favorite Memory (Part 2)

July 25, 2014 – 10:19 am

It’s hard for us to believe, but we’re already on our eighteenth day of Radio Camp! Campers got a second chance to finish recording their outstanding “My Favorite Memory” pieces.

Grow Pittsburgh’s Urban Farmers in Training: 2014 Reflections

July 24, 2014 – 11:11 am

Grow Pittsburgh’s Summer Intern Program at Braddock Farms provides local teens with the opportunity to gain summer employment while learning about the value of growing and eating healthy food. Here, the interns from 2014 share their thoughts on gardening, harvesting, fresh food, herbs, and favorite experiences.

Radio Camp 2014 – Day 17 – My Favorite Memory

July 24, 2014 – 9:54 am

On our seventeenth day, Radio Campers wrote about their favorite memories. Afterwards, they further experimented with the Makey Makey by testing things in the classroom they believed to be conductive. They then played Dance Dance Revolution on tin foil!