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As part of a 6-week Creative Arts program focused on the power of the human voice, Propel Montour sixth graders identified social issues that concerned them. They then researched, wrote and recorded these public service announcements to promote organizations working to address these issues.
This project was designed to expose students to people making a difference, career opportunities focused on helping people, and the power of clear writing and speaking as a means of conveying information to others.
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Animal Friends – Cassidy and Mia
Animal Rescue League – Danielle, Emily and Leyla
Clean Water Action – Tony and Josh
Family Links – Sean, Lee, Brandon and Donovan
Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank – Marcus, Devin and Tyre
Hello Bully – Tierney and Dwayne
The Humane Farming Association – Dorian, Brittany and Austin
The Mario Lemieux Foundation – Josiah, Chance and Devyn
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children – Jonah, Henry, Kyle and Jalen
Three Rivers Youth – Kara, Taylor, Hannah and Jamya
Women’s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh – Brandon, Cameron and Te’Sean
Western PA Humane Society – Jonathan, D’Amante and Tyrell
Western PA Humane Society – Zach, Noelle and Hailey
Dear Sean, Brandon, Lee and Donovan:
Thank you so much for picking Familylinks as the social service agency you chose to research for your class project “It’s cool to care.” You did an excellent job highlighting the many services Familylinks provides to children and families in Allegheny County. As an employee of Familylinks, it made me feel very proud and honored that you selected Familylinks, and I really appreciate you bringing attention to the many different types of problems we help children and families with. Thank you again so much for your interest, advocacy and support.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer!
Sean DeYoung, LCSW
Director of Quality Improvement
Dear Cassidy and Mia,
On behalf of the staff, volunteers, and especially the homeless pets at Animal Friends, thank you for including our work in this campaign! Some of our kindest supporters are students. We hope their heartfelt efforts inspire others in our community, too!
Thank you!