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The Green Compass Season 5

Submitted by on August 8, 2013 – 2:41 pm

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Where we are and where we are going…

In July 2013, twenty-eight recent high-school graduates created these radio features while serving as Summer Interns at The Heinz Endowments. The resulting features cover a range of community issues. While SLB provided training and coaching, the features presented here were conceived and created entirely by the students in a single week.


Download Audio FileSTEM for All

Michael & Patrick interview Nancy Bunt (Allegheny Intermediate Unit), Deborah Lange, Ph. D. (Carnegie Mellon University) & Karen Ahearn (ASSET) on the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in public education.

Download Audio FileAging Out: A Special Needs Dilemma

Jackie, Chad, Deanne & Annie interview Nina Butler, Ed. D. (mother), Dori Ortman (CLASS) &  Mary Hartley (United Way of Allegheny County) about post-graduation options for students with special needs.

Download Audio FileDiscrimination Speaks

Jonah, Tiffany & Ramond interview Dana Bose (Allegheny Youth Development) and local students about personal experiences with discrimination.

Download Audio FileDiscover the Underground

Kelsey interviews Julian Powell (KRUNK Movement/Center of Life), J.B. Jackson and Tyler Sing (1091 Productions), Curtis Pope (Black Rebel) & Jordan Montgomery (musical artist) about Pittsburgh’s local – and positive – music scene.

Download Audio FileAn Up Hill Battle

Nehemiah, Alexandra & Rina interview Brian Brown (Hill District Consensus Group), Rev. Glenn Grayson (Wesley Center AME Zion Church) & Kaylia Smith (Hill District resident) about concerns that Hill District redevelopment efforts go beyond the lower Hill.

Download Audio FileDon’t Appropriate, Appreciate

Nina interviews Courtney Novosat (graduate student, WVU), Madhuchhanda Ray Choudhury (graduate student, Duquesne University),  Anika Yasmin (student, Key West High School) & Courtney Smith (activist and student, Duquesne University) about culture appropriation.

Download Audio FilePolice Profiling

Kaylia & Aamin interview Rashad Byrdsong (Community Empowerment Association), Tim Stevens (Black Political Empowerment Project), Taili Thompson (Youth Opportunities Development) & Officer Michael Gay (Pittsburgh Police) about police-community relations.

Download Audio FileGet in the Groove

Alexander interviews Fred Bohn (Attic Records) & Jerry Weber (Jerry’s Records) on renewed public enthusiasm for music on vinyl.

Download Audio FileRatings Reality: Most Livable for Whom?

Ashley, Dynae and Lauren interview D.S. Kinsel (MGR), Theresa Kail-Smith (Pittsburgh City Council) & State Rep. Jake Wheatley (19th Legislative District) about how the title of “most livable city” does not apply to all communities in Pittsburgh.

Download Audio FileIs College Worth It?

Jeremy interviews Bill McCullough (master plumber & CCAC Instructor) and Jackie Sharp (student) about alternatives to college and associated debt.

Download Audio FilePerceptions: Achieving Equity in Education

Jessie, Morgan & Brandon interview James Stewart, Ph. D. (Equity Advisory Panel) & Wanda Henderson (Advocates for African American Students) about a 1996 Conciliation Agreement between Pittsburgh Public Schools and Advocates for African American Students.

Download Audio FileConsequences of Zero-Tolerance Discipline

Evan, Gentry, Hema & Grace interview Karen Pillar (Team Child), Heather Cunningham (teacher, doctoral candidate), Jim Eichner (Advancement Project) & Derrick Lopez (Homewood Children’s Village) about growing concerns regarding zero-tolerance discipline policies.


All statements and opinions are those of the speakers and do not necessarily represent those of the Heinz Endowments. More information on The Heinz Endowments Youth Philanthropy Internship Program is available at www.heinz.org




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